Check out our preplanning checklist:
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You’ll want to notify close friends and relatives, both through personal phone calls as well as your loved one’s death notice. If this process is too painful for you, it’s absolutely okay to ask a trusted family member or friend to help you.
This also is the time to review any of your loved one’s preplanned funeral wishes and meet with a funeral director to begin planning their service. If your loved one did not preplan their funeral, you might want to start thinking about a few of the big choices you will need to make, such as:
When you meet with a member of our staff to discuss your arrangements, we will guide you every step of the way and try to make this difficult time a little bit easier.
We'll then ask you about your loved one to gain an understanding of the person the services will honor. Use this time to communicate your ideas and preferences, share your loved one's life story, revisit memories, and highlight their accomplishments. Our professionals will use this information to guide you in the creation of a personalized, meaningful celebration of your loved one's life.
This process may include:
We'd like to make this process as smooth and stress-free for you as we can, so remember to bring the following information about your loved one with you as well:
Circle of Friends+ provides you with resources on grief support and settling affairs, sent to you via text and email.
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